Ethereum vs EOS vs Ethereum Classic

September 20, 2021

Ethereum vs EOS vs Ethereum Classic

Ah, the battle of the blockchain titans -- Ethereum, EOS, and Ethereum Classic. Which one will come out on top? Join us in this comparison to find out!


Before we start comparing, let's give a brief background on each blockchain.

  • Ethereum: Launched in 2015, Ethereum is known for its smart contract functionality that enables developers to create their own decentralized apps (dapps). It has the second-largest market cap in the crypto world, after Bitcoin.

  • EOS: Launched in 2018, EOS is also focused on enabling developers to build dapps. It has a unique consensus mechanism called Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) that allows for faster transaction times.

  • Ethereum Classic: Launched in 2015, Ethereum Classic is a fork of Ethereum. It was created after the infamous DAO hack of 2016 that resulted in the loss of $50 million worth of Ethereum. Ethereum Classic is essentially the original Ethereum blockchain, without any changes made after the DAO hack.

Now that we have a basic understanding of each blockchain, let's dive into the comparison.

Transaction Speed

Transaction speed is an important metric when it comes to blockchain. Let's see how each blockchain performs in this aspect.

  • Ethereum: Ethereum can process around 15 transactions per second (TPS).

  • EOS: EOS boasts a much faster TPS rate of up to 4000.

  • Ethereum Classic: Ethereum Classic's TPS is similar to Ethereum's, around 15.

Winner: EOS

Consensus Mechanism

Consensus is the process by which a blockchain reaches agreement on a single version of a transaction ledger. Here's how each blockchain does it:

  • Ethereum: Ethereum uses a consensus mechanism called Proof of Work (PoW), which is computationally intensive and requires significant energy consumption.

  • EOS: EOS uses Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), which allows for faster transaction times and is more energy-efficient.

  • Ethereum Classic: Ethereum Classic also uses PoW, like Ethereum.

Winner: EOS

Smart Contract Functionality

Smart contracts allow for the creation of self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. All three blockchains we're comparing have this functionality.

  • Ethereum: Ethereum was the first blockchain to offer smart contract functionality, and it has the most active developers working on it.

  • EOS: EOS also offers smart contract functionality, but it's still less widely adopted than Ethereum.

  • Ethereum Classic: Ethereum Classic has the same smart contract functionality as Ethereum, but it has fewer developers working on it.

Winner: Ethereum


Security is a critical aspect of blockchain. Let's see how each blockchain fares in terms of security.

  • Ethereum: Ethereum has had several high-profile hacks over the years, including the DAO hack. However, it has continued to improve its security measures.

  • EOS: EOS's DPoS consensus mechanism has been criticized for being less secure than other mechanisms like PoW and Proof of Stake (PoS).

  • Ethereum Classic: Ethereum Classic has had fewer high-profile hacks than Ethereum, but it's still vulnerable to similar attack vectors.

Winner: Ethereum


In terms of transaction speed and consensus mechanism, EOS comes out on top. However, Ethereum wins in terms of smart contract functionality and security. While Ethereum Classic offers the same functionality as Ethereum, it has fewer developers working on it, which could impact its long-term viability.

Overall, each blockchain has its strengths and weaknesses, and which one is the "best" largely depends on the use case. However, we hope this comparison has helped shed some light on the key differences between Ethereum, EOS, and Ethereum Classic.


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